Wednesday, September 16, 2009

kanye west shoes Jackass-gateWhat Obama Actually Said About Kanye West

Posted by: princeleo September 15, 2009 10:35 PM Report abuse
Posted by: jdotbdot September 15, 2009 6:35 PM Report abuse
This is beginning to be too much to comprehend.
BTW, I did not vote for him and I disagree with him 90+ percent of the time, but I DEFINITELY agree: Kanye is a jackass.
95% of the people in the country agree with the President on this one. Gosh, probably more than any other topic. But off-the-record should stay off-the-record. Otherwise the Pres just won't talk with the press except during formal press events.
Posted by: concerneddemo September 15, 2009 8:40 PM Report abuse
Hey, Obama: Please QUIT FRICKEN WEIGHIN' IN! This distraction will be harder to get caught up in, but why stoop? Kanye already admitted his mistake (in making that gal feel bad).
President Obama took the words right out of a lot of people's mouths. What a JA. What is there for discussion about this type of behavior?
or the time he was drunk at a wedding:
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Jdotbdot,re: the Kanye comment, the President was speaking off-record, and in a very informal setting. He was not interrupting someone via inappropriate outburst in the middle of a speech addressing Congress. I don't think Obama stood up in the middle of the VMA's and called Kanye West out as a jackass while West was giving a scheduled speech. I think "jackass",air jordan shoes; sums Kanye's behavior up quite nicely.I wonder,Nike Blazers, did Bush or Cheney ever get caught using colorful language? I seem to remember a few F-bomb incidents.
They are really an odd group of jokers and weirdos.
We encourage users to analyze, comment on and even challenge's articles, blogs,nike air jordans Jackass-gateWhat Obama Actually Said About Kanye West,air jordans, reviews and multimedia features.
Posted by: jerpat September 15, 2009 6:09 PM Report abuse
Like when he told Cheney (and a live mic) that a reporter was an ",Gucci shoes Following the chart performance;a**hole" at a campaign speech? Or maybe when he gave a blind reporter a hard time for not removing his sunglasses?
Posted by: Omnivore1 September 15, 2009 7:08 PM Report abuse
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Posted by: ach73 September 15, 2009 7:11 PM Report abuse
Obama should realize that for him there is no such thing as "Off the Record". Kanye acted boorishly and in poor taste and Obama's comment was correct but unnecessary for him to make. I wonder if all these persons who agree with the President this time (eg. Saw1)also agreed with him when he said that the police acted stupidly in arresting Prof. Gates because I think he was right then too. In that case it was appropriate and necessary for him to comment. For the record though, I do not think that was a case of racial profiling, it was just a case of the police resenting kanye west shoesthat a black man was not bowing and scraping to him and he was going to show this uppity nigger who was the boss.
jdotbot - read your post again. You are comparing 2 comments: 1) The president makes a comment about an entertainer. Some people call this comment inappropriate, but it is clearly speech.2) A Congressman calls the president a liar. Some people call this comment inappropriate, but it is clearly speech.
Obama groans, comically: "He's a jackass!"
Posted by: stew3 September 16, 2009 12:08 AM Report abuse
Posted by: cyberfool September 15, 2009 9:59 PM Report abuse
Short term memory loss is a serious problem in our political discourse of late.
"I thought that was really inappropriate. It's like, she's getting an award, why are you butting in?" Obama says in the audio clip. "I hear you. I agree with you. The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there?"
Since when can the pres have a double standard. To call someone a jackass as president is inappropriate and Pres Bush would have been taken to the woodshed by the press.To admonish a representative for saying you lie in a country that favors free speech.... come on people get real
Someone asks, "Why would he do that?"
By The Reliable Source ,Gucci shoes; September 15, 2009; 5:03 PM ETCategories: First Family , Update Share This: E-Mail Technorati Digg Stumble Previous: Say What? Obama Weighs In on WestNext: Love, Etc.
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Posted by: saw1 September 15, 2009 7:31 PM Report abuse
Posted by: concerneddemo September 15, 2009 8:40 PM Report abuse
Posted by: gojackets1 September 15, 2009 11:01 PM Report abuse
Posted by: Chrisjj1948 September 15, 2009 10:56 PM Report abuse
You have to have a consistent standard here. If all comments are protected by free speech, you shouldn't condemn either one. If, instead, we are allowed to judge the appropriateness of the comments made by public officials, free speech isn't a defense for either one.
I'm interested in the comment he made about her personality. So she seems like a "perfectly nice person." What if she had all the charm of Medusa? Would it still be OK to interrupt her? That's a loaded remark, and it would serve POTUS well to rethink the origins of it. An award is an award, and plenty of less-then-stellar souls have received them. Is it ok to steal their moment? Bottom line: Kanye West needs help, which has been demonstrated sufficiently over the years. He won't get it, though. Too many sycophants, even Jay Leno, who babysat him through his alleged "apology."
President Obama stated the obvious. Why would anyone criticize his off-the-record remark? What he said is as true as if he had said my wife's name is Michelle. Rather than constantly nit-picking our Prez we ought to enjoy his truthfulness and erudite speaking ability. I used to cringe whenever Dubya spoke; he was an embarrassment to our country.
Though he didn't complete the thought, it sounds as thought POTUS is chiding them to keep the comments off the record. (Harwood told us Monday that the chit-chat before an interview is customarily considered off-the-record; because of that,jordan fusions body fairing proposal, he declined to comment on his exchange with the president.)
jdotbdot obviously you forgot about the time Bush gave the camera the finger:
And now, thanks to TMZ, we finally know exactly in what context President Obama called hip-hop star Kanye West a "jackass" in banter with journalists that was intended to be off-the-record.
"To call someone a jackass as president is inappropriate and Pres Bush would have been taken to the woodshed by the press."
Posted by: Dawson4070 September 16, 2009 6:21 AM Report abuse
Posted by: wizard2 September 16, 2009 1:27 AM Report abuse
Posted by: whocares666 September 15, 2009 9:48 PM Report abuse

Apparently you guys think a president should have absolutely zero personality and he should not have any fun, ever. It wasn't like he called Congress to condemn Kanye. It was just banter before the interview.
Posted by: JustinMcC September 15, 2009 10:42 PM Report abuse
The gossip web site posted an audio clip of the exchange, taken from an unbroadcast feed prior to his interview Monday with CNBC's John Harwood, in which someone asks him what he thought about the watercooler topic du jour, West's now infamous confrontation with Taylor Swift on stage at the MTV awards Sunday.
In reading this article,and reflecting on this issue...allow me to make this observation. The mascot for the Democratic party is a " jack Ass." Yesssssssss! I said it a "JACK ASS." Is that what this is all about, a play on words. I don't remember anyone getting upset, when back in the 1800, its was accepted as being the term of choice for the Democrats to be known as " Jack Asses." Having said that,now allow me to say this". I don't agree with what Kayne West did, it was very inapproiate,and in poor taste, was it wrong for the Media to publish President's Barack Obama's statement....Yes it was off the record...he was having a private conversation...and somethings are not for publication!I'm a registered Democrats, now does that mean I'm a jack Ass... Yesssssssssssss and I wear my Tagg well... I say it proudly, I'm a Registered Jack Ass.
President Obama took the words right out of a lot of people's mouths. What a JA. What is there for discussion about this type of behavior?
There's a nervous explosion of laughter from the others in the room, which Obama immediately reacts to: "Now, now, all this stuff... I'm assuming all this stuff -- come on guys, cut the president some slack. I've got a lot of other stuff on my plate."
Posted by: Matt8200 September 15, 2009 11:39 PM Report abuse
These folks are so biased it should be criminal! If President Obama goes outside and sneezes they'll accused him of trying to spread H1N1. These people are getting to the point they are their own worst enemies and eventually no one is going to take them seriously because of the ridiculous lengths they'll go to just to disagree or "bust" the president.
Roxanne and Amy: Enough with the freaking "-gate"! Sheesh!
Posted by: sandradeerivers September 15, 2009 10:32 PM Report abuse
Posted by: senjin7 September 15, 2009 11:23 PM Report abuse
I am getting fed up with your mouth Mr. President! When are going to learn to keep it shut on certain subject? Yes Kenya was acting like a "jackass" but YOU, YOU did not have to make that comment. Don't YOU realize by now everything you say or do will be reported? Don't you know that, My God! You could have said: I do not have any comments on that subject, it has know bearing on the economy! But No, no, no, you just keep running and running like an old frig. The media do not like you, so keep to your main subjects and your foot out of your mouth PLEASE! Some in the Black community are waiting for an apology and an invite to the White House for Kenya, OK
The President in a clearly pseudo-private, off the cuff, moment made a remark that the majority of people will agree with. But you still get comments along the lines of "he shouldn't comment", "he needs to keep his opinion to himself", "he needs to examine the true meaning of his his language", "this is no different than Joe Wilson's outburst". What?!? Really?!? Can these people be serious?!? Are really this deep into obstructionism?!?
I don't agree with most of President Obamas policys but I found the comment refreshing. Lets not nit pick, the guy was a jack-ass and Joe Wilson was a jack-ass for showing disrespect for the president.
And I should care why?

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