Wednesday, September 16, 2009

air jordans President Obama stated the obvious. Why would

Jdotbdot,re: the Kanye comment, the President was speaking off-record, and in a very informal setting. He was not interrupting someone via inappropriate outburst in the middle of a speech addressing Congress. I don't think Obama stood up in the middle of the VMA's and called Kanye West out as a jackass while West was giving a scheduled speech. I think "jackass",nike air jordans Kanye West becomes an internet joke ]; sums Kanye's behavior up quite nicely.I wonder,air jordans, did Bush or Cheney ever get caught using colorful language? I seem to remember a few F-bomb incidents.
Posted by: Omnivore1 September 15, 2009 7:08 PM Report abuse
Since when can the pres have a double standard. To call someone a jackass as president is inappropriate and Pres Bush would have been taken to the woodshed by the press.To admonish a representative for saying you lie in a country that favors free speech.... come on people get real
President Obama stated the obvious. Why would anyone criticize his off-the-record remark? What he said is as true as if he had said my wife's name is Michelle. Rather than constantly nit-picking our Prez we ought to enjoy his truthfulness and erudite speaking ability. I used to cringe whenever Dubya spoke; he was an embarrassment to our country.
You have to have a consistent standard here. If all comments are protected by free speech, you shouldn't condemn either one. If, instead, we are allowed to judge the appropriateness of the comments made by public officials,Gucci shoes, free speech isn't a defense for either one.
Posted by: jerpat September 15,air jordans would like to personally apologize , 2009 6:09 PM Report abuse
jdotbot - read your post again. You are comparing 2 comments: 1) The president makes a comment about an entertainer. Some people call this comment inappropriate,air jordans air jordan 4,air jordan shoes, but it is clearly speech.2) A Congressman calls the president a liar. Some people call this comment inappropriate, but it is clearly speech.
Posted by: jdotbdot September 15,Nike Blazers, 2009 6:35 PM Report abuse

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